Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Introduction and Salutations.


Should you find yourself reading my humble though vibrantly outspoken Government blog, you are either distinguished and awesome-hair-sporting college professor Kris Seago or one of his less distinguished though still notable students; Congratulations! You are among a proud few who will read this, and for you, my newly befriended fellow pundits, I will attempt to make my input as objectively well written and entertaining as is within my capacity to do so.

Perhaps like many of you, or yet still perhaps unlike many of you- I adore politics. Isn't this type of classroom setting just the bees knees? I can count on one hand the number of equally creative ways to conduct education. To verify, It is (The bees knees,) if you don't agree then feel free to suck an egg and read somewhere else. I have my own take on where I stand on the political spectrum, I'm hoping to find those among us who have the same perspective, but more-over I'm hoping to find those abundant others who do not so that I may present them (you) with fair and balanced arguments as to why I will inevitably think they're (you're) wrong.


* I openly label myself as conservative, though I identify with the tooth and nail left. I think the stereotypical liberal image- especially the one emulated here in Austin- is frankly disturbing; but I have very strong opinions about the inherent liberty and civil rights which are a birthright of all of mankind. For the sake of clarity:

*I drive a pickup truck, listen to country & western music and exclusively work blue collar jobs, but!

*I think people should have unadulteratedly free reign to choose what is right for themselves.
A) Women should be allowed to abort unwanted children, it's certainly not hurting any of the rest of us.

B) What the hell does gender have to do with love? Are we seriously denying people the right to be with one another? This is sick, I will fight for gay and lesbian rights up to and beyond the cost of blood. Again, one of those things that doesn't affect anyone but the people who are making personal choices.

C) I fancy myself a strong, burly type, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I got a bit misty eyed when Barack Obama became the president of these lovely 50 states, not just because I like the man and his policies, but come on, no one can deny that this was a monumental day in history. I believe the word is epic, and I feel all puffy and privileged for being able to witness such a day in my lifetime. On that note, people should be judged by the honor in their actions and the value of their integrity, thank Odin that landmark finally received it's overdue acknowledgement.

So to review, I look like a cowboy but think and probably even talk like a hippie, just don't go around calling me one.

Farewell for now, J. Hawkins