Friday, March 27, 2009

Up Your Wall Street.

"WHILE PEOPLE DISS WALL STREETERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS FOR GREED AND HIGH LIVING, note that the most expensive home in America was built by a tv-producer. With its own dedicated “gift-wrapping room.” Funny how Hollywood excess doesn’t get the same kind of censorious scrutiny . . . ."

So we're defending the men and women who line their pockets with other peoples money now? I'd like to point out that the stock market, while legitimate in theory, is based upon a structure that is essentially a pyramid scam. It doesn't make any difference that some people have more money than others, in moral spirit certainly but privately what people do with their money is their own business. It's the act of convincing people that their hard earned money is better invested in your own bank account because you know how to profit from it when there's little or no risk to losing your own wealth and plenty of risk that your victim will. That, sirs and madames, is a perfect example of extortion by placation.

During world war 2 the United States encouraged people to buy "War Bonds", which are certificates that say you are a patriot; they GUARANTEED that your money would be returned, guaranteed, under all circumstances, surely if we hadn't have emerged proverbially victorious from the war the money we put into it would have been in vain and more importantly, freaking gone and impossible to get back, to put it clearly, if someone tells you it's a good idea to give them your money, they're lying. The people that make their living encouraging others to give them money on a floppy promise of returning interest are crooks, so it doesn't matter that a tv-producer, who earned his money entertaining people, has four Jacuzzis in his mansion and enough funding wasted on staff doing trivial things to feed an entire third world country, the man isn't making his money by stealing it from others. Honestly I'd love to see people like this not gravitate immediately toward defending whatsoever they can which radiates pure unadulterated evil.

Besides, why do you care, Mr. Generic Instapundit, that people are blaming eachother for their sudden massive losses? It only furthers the stereotype that Republicans charge to reinforce the advancement of the rich and the oppression of the poor with statements like these. Johnny Citizen just lost his 401k, his retirement fund and his childrens college fund that he's been putting into since he was a young working man, never having had any direct contact with the stock market except through the people that he works for who guaranteed that they would handle his savings for him, and he's outraged and depressed and you think he shouldn't have a right to be? I mean who the hell else is he going to point his finger at other than people like you? It wasn't up to him who his money went to, it went to into stock and share investment, people who promised his future was safe destroyed it after stealing it from him and placated him with guarantees and flashy acronyms. So here's a giant middle finger to you, because you would only say something like that if you were one of those people who stole his future, Mr. RightWing Industrialist Wall Streeter.