Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In Response to Nurse Claudia's post on Affirmative Action

Which can be found here.
She argues that it's time to stop Affirmative Action, I disagree.

As a pre-marker to the following post, I'm a tall, blonde haired blue-eyed male in his early twenties.

"However, in today's world, I believe it is no longer necessary to consider race when academic qualifications are reviewed. Reverse discrimination was the flip side for many quality students." Your entire point is reverse discrimination, don't allow me to misconstrue you on where I'm going with this, I fully acknowledge your position that a modern demographic recognition of race in itself is racism, if we are all equal, then to single out differences which are in no way indicative of equality is separatism. Hand's down though, it's extraordinarily self defeating of your point to argue this angle under the context "Have we not settled whatever score was owed for past injustices?"; I've got to say I'm a fairly cold lad and even I was taken aback by that inquiry. Seriously? It's not a score, it's not about settling bygones or providing reparations. I have to say it, how dare you assume that Affirmative Action is the big benevolent shame filled white man who is oh-so-generously agreeing to take pity upon those he once oppressed and is now humbly outfitting an entire race of people to be a charity case, oh and since that IS what we're calling it tap your watch and pack your briefcase because 'hey guys, we're friends now that one of you is in Office'. Affirmative Action isn't a loan repayment, it's not a kindness bashfully meant to be afforded for injustice, it's a necessary program for the underprivileged, would you deny people food stamps, TANF, would you shut down battered womens shelters because "Hey what about battered men?", would you stop funding to orphanages and foster homes because there are adults who need supervision, food and shelter?

Reverse Discrimination though it may be that skin color is a factor in some if not many institutions of higher education, it's a handicap, not a free-throw, you know why? They have it worse than us, and neither you nor I can ever fully understand just how bad that may be. I could go into the conspiracy of traffic laws, the social structuralizations that dictate a need for adhesive racial concentration which lead to poor living conditions, the economic, ergonomic, and civil negative perpetuations set into place by people who think and get behind thoughts which begin behaviors that surmount to actions which are made into laws by people like you, but I'll just leave it at 'this isn't about you'. Get off your @#$#ing high horse; for us, majority folks like you and I, I mean, as a general rule college is a choice, for minorities it's USUALLY A LUXURY. Let them have their God Damned race specific college scholorships, sponsorships, and the right to one hundred percent assure an education, why? Because it's already assured for us. If an outstanding young white man makes his way to the top with a 4.0 and applies for a University, and his place is usurped by a young black man with a 3.9, I'm here to tell you that, not always, but often enough to be considered in every case, the black man faced far more challenges and hurdles to get his 3.9 than his competitor did to get a 4.0. That is why race is a factor.

1 comment:

  1. well done, jesse. i approve of this fully. you have a lot of really great points.
