Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why are we fighting?

There comes a point, don't attempt to deny it, when the service of an idea or principle takes precedence over the validity of that principle, when and where is that point? This happens when that idea or principle allows itself to become corrupt and moreover detrimental to it's caretakers. I give you - Israel. Stay your hand at labeling me an anti-Semite! -My wife is by birthright Jewish.

Without having to look too emphatically, logic floats here. Even without any background into the Jewish, Muslim, or Judeo-Christian faiths and their foundations, especially in a geographical sense; uneven numbers rear forth violently and without warning. Statistics, thousands of Muslim soldiers have been killed, just over a dozen Israeli soldiers. So I, and New York Times Columnist Thomas Friedman ask, Where IS that point, What is THE Point?.

After World War 2 we gave the entire Jewish faith a plot of land where they declared a landmark for their following and a monument to their faith. Not in Wisconsin or Florida, as the U.S. had initially offered, but decidedly not a micron west east north or south of where an entirely separate and often conflicting culture of people have set up one of their primary home-bases. I imagine it played out something like this:

"This land is my land, no longer your land, this land you have here, God gave to only me."

And the riff-raff that followed has plunged our very own individual, multi-denominational land of the free into a Political Catch 22 since the beginning of stated manifest. You, the Jewish people, have tirelessly endured persecution, relentless hardship and tribulation for little or no known reason since seemingly the dawn of time, it is only right that you should be free to seek to fulfill the prophecies in your scriptures and web-zines without fear of retribution. It was a seemingly a harmless thought at the time. You are then free to arm yourselves with knowledge, shelter, and so help me all the ammunition and forced military involvement as is predisposed to the necessity of your cause. Free shall you be also to fortify your cause, defend it and take pride in it. All of these notions were written into foreign policy when Israel became Israel not really all that long ago (A retro-generation and a half?). At the time, the principles and ideas the united states were serving were purely of a righteous nature, when that cause evolved into its own world power the nature of it took a sharp turn that, because of the "We'll scratch your back if you scratch ours" policy upheld at gunpoint for the past half a century, has threatened to compromise the United States as a credible world power with any right to integrity and respect.

President Obama was dealt a poorly shuffled deck of cards when he inherited our past national standing with Israel, every administration preceding his own, out of fear of conflict with a great percentage of the American people, has catered to Israels growing thirst for power and invulnerability. With nowhere to turn in order to secure Justice and simultaneously keep peace among dissenters, Obama (wisely?) flashes a smile at Israel and spins a knowing wink to Palestine. The way I observe the matter. territory is one of the most basic primal instincts embedded in every creature and culture, there is no reason in expecting to maintain peace by setting up camp in another lions den, by then launching AWL rockets at those other lions, spitting in their faces every day for a solid series of decades and then demanding quiet time to read. When your victims retaliate out of determination and spite with teeth and not missiles because they do not have the same superior resources you do, then you take that as an opportunity to martyr yourselves and your beliefs AND seize it as another reason to parade their streets with explosions and the unending murder of their children, YOU are the bad guy, your cause is no more in the right hand of your actions.

Where are we to go from here? The world is waiting to see if our new, more articulate and justice concerned president will cave to the pressure of the masses biting his heels, or cut the line that drains our nations resources, founding morals and place among distinguished first world countries who are expected to make decisions that advance the wellbeing and rights of mankind.

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