Friday, February 27, 2009

You never cease to shock, Powerline!

I take a hard, well, not so hard look, at every front runner in the radical right who voices his or her opinion and puts a face to the republican party. I encourage you to do this with me, sure we're all familiar with Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity, they certainly make themselves loud (or in the latter two cases trashy and smug) enough to mark their territory with a bright red and crooked line; we the people have come to expect a certain and distinct tone to escape their muzzles, but the subject in tonights hilarious edition of ThisBlogMayContainTreason is none other than a household name and favorite among the dwellers of farm animal breeding communities, PowerLine:

Dictated and served by three editing republicans, these articles continuously offer us slobber to go with the whistle they blow madly in fanfare and unrestrained enthusiasm. I can't help but feel that these fine single toothed folk are leashed onto a habit of repeating themselves, for what point I can only speculate, the article posted above is only one example of the same thing that I've heard from every inbred mouth since President Obama became a candidate for office; Donkeys, Dopeheads, and Socialists, oh my! I'm in no way commanding that they give it a rest, it provides never-ending entertainment and reassurance that some parties will never change (atleast not since the 80's). Here we see John Hinderaker suggesting that the economic solutions proposed by the Left which are intended to resolve the problems we the lower and middle classes are facing under the heavy burden of recession are shifting too much power into the hands of central government, he goes on to imply that we are either headed toward the fate of Fascism or Communism, which, as he declares, are the only two types of socialism. I'm not even going to argue against this hackneyed hogwash that the USA is going to become a socialist capital under Democratic rule, I don't think I need to, the people spitting this dribble contradict themselves enough to make it clear that even if it were true, they wouldn't know much about what they're saying anyway. Let's break it down like I cannot contain myself from down-breaking!

1. Too much power in the hands of the government because of stimulus budgets and tax proposals aimed at lowering the cost of living for working families?
A) This from the people who all but ransom the federal government's children in order to get national law in place that demands unconstitutional jurisdiction over forcing religion into education, defining marriage upon religious foundation and would rather see Uncle Sam force a 14 year old rape victim to raise a child or face having to give it over to the hands of people who will bring it up under circumstances that quite potentially could influence it to, in it's adult life, become criminally motivated or dare I say a rapist? *Don't let the government have the power to make sure the oppressed majority of civilians have enough money to feed, shelter and clothe their families but make sure it still has enough power to obligate the upbringing of more hillbilly goat #$#@$%s like us.

2. There are more than two types of socialism, you freaking moron, and the ones you left out actual do fairly well in most nations, like Statistically The Happiest Place In The World To Live, which is a more or less a socialist democracy (With respect to traditional Monarchy titles).

Actually, I think that's all I need to say, to recap; Before we look at the legitimacy of your claims, make sure you can back them with fact, and that you don't resemble them yourself in the first place.

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